Ei­sai, BioArc­tic to de­vel­op new drug for Alzheimer’s that can cross blood-brain bar­ri­er

Ei­sai and BioArc­tic — the com­pa­nies be­hind the first Alzheimer’s drug proven to slow dis­ease pro­gres­sion — are ink­ing an­oth­er re­search part­ner­ship in the dis­ease, this time uti­liz­ing the Swedish biotech’s new brain de­liv­ery tech­nol­o­gy.

The com­pa­nies will share the costs of the re­search eval­u­a­tion project for BioArc­tic’s pre­clin­i­cal Alzheimer’s pro­gram BAN2802. The as­set com­bines the biotech’s Brain­Trans­porter tech­nol­o­gy with an Alzheimer’s drug can­di­date with an undis­closed tar­get, per a Sat­ur­day re­lease. At the end of the col­lab­o­ra­tion, Ei­sai will eval­u­ate the da­ta gen­er­at­ed and de­cide whether to ex­er­cise its op­tion for BAN2802.

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