Eli Lil­ly jumps in­to di­rect-to-con­sumer weight loss are­na

Eli Lil­ly launched its own di­rect-to-con­sumer web­site on Thurs­day to help con­nect weight loss pa­tients to physi­cians. The new Lil­ly­Di­rect web­site of­fers tele­health, in-per­son and phar­ma­cy ser­vices for peo­ple liv­ing with obe­si­ty, but al­so mi­graine and di­a­betes.

Lil­ly is part­ner­ing with Form Health, join­ing a grow­ing slate of di­rect-to-con­sumer on­line weight loss pre­scribers like Ro and Weight­Watch­ers. It’s a first for Lil­ly, al­though the move by phar­ma com­pa­nies to add tele­health pre­scrib­ing part­ners be­gan sev­er­al years ago. Ab­b­Vie and Iron­wood’s Linzess and Bio­haven, now Pfiz­er’s Nurtec ODT, were ear­ly adopters of tele­health ser­vices and “talk to a doc­tor now” type but­tons on the drug’s web­sites.

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