David Ricks, Eli Lilly CEO (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Eli Lil­ly sues com­pounders and med­ical spas over sales of un­ap­proved copy­cats of its di­a­betes block­buster Moun­jaro

Eli Lil­ly on Tues­day sued 10 med­ical spas, well­ness cen­ters and com­pound­ing phar­ma­cies in Flori­da, Geor­gia, Ari­zona, Min­neso­ta, Utah and Texas for sell­ing un­ap­proved and com­pound­ed ver­sions of its block­buster type 2 di­a­betes drug Moun­jaro (tirzepatide).

Lil­ly is ask­ing the de­fen­dants, sev­er­al of whom use an unau­tho­rized Moun­jaro trade­mark on their web­sites, to stop pro­vid­ing drugs in vi­o­la­tion of con­sumer pro­tec­tion laws. The com­pa­ny notes height­ened safe­ty con­cerns, say­ing some of these com­pa­nies promise their pa­tients that the drugs of­fer the same safe­ty pro­file and clin­i­cal ben­e­fits as Moun­jaro when they’re ac­tu­al­ly com­pound­ed ver­sions that don’t ad­here to the same FDA reg­u­la­tions as ful­ly ap­proved prod­ucts.

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