Eli Lil­ly wraps up fifth and fi­nal tirzepatide PhI­II tri­al, claim­ing a win over Sanofi's Lan­tus. The FDA awaits

Eli Lil­ly has long been test­ing its ex­per­i­men­tal tirzepatide can­di­date in di­a­betes, look­ing to see whether or not it can take over Trulic­i­ty’s di­a­betes man­tle once the patent runs out in 2027. And on Thurs­day, the Big Phar­ma wrapped up its last reg­is­tra­tional tri­al.

Mea­sur­ing the dual GIP and GLP-1 re­cep­tor ag­o­nist tirzepatide against Sanofi’s Lan­tus in­sulin self-in­jec­tion, Lil­ly re­port­ed Thurs­day that its pro­gram hit all pri­ma­ry and key sec­ondary end­points across three dosage lev­els in adult type 2 di­a­betes pa­tients with in­creased car­dio­vas­cu­lar risk. The study was deemed com­plet­ed when enough ma­jor CV events oc­curred, and even though the end­points were eval­u­at­ed at 52 weeks, many par­tic­i­pants re­mained on treat­ment for up to two years, Lil­ly said.

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