Eli Lil­ly’s mi­graine pre­ven­tion drug Em­gal­i­ty not su­pe­ri­or to Pfiz­er’s Nurtec ODT in head-to-head

In a head-to-head clin­i­cal tri­al, Eli Lil­ly’s in­jectable mi­graine drug Em­gal­i­ty was not su­pe­ri­or to the Nurtec ODT tablets out of Pfiz­er on a pri­ma­ry mea­sure of per­cent of pa­tients reach­ing 50% or bet­ter re­duc­tion in month­ly mi­graine headache days.

The re­sponse rates were sim­i­lar, Lil­ly said in a Fri­day af­ter­noon press re­lease. The In­di­anapo­lis Big Phar­ma said its mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body, first ap­proved in the fall of 2018, was “nu­mer­i­cal­ly bet­ter” than Nurtec ODT on “key sec­ondary end­points.” Lil­ly did not dis­close any more da­ta and said it will present full re­sults lat­er this year.

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