Janet Woodcock (AP Images)

End­points poll: Janet Wood­cock takes the (in­ter­im) helm at the FDA. And a large ma­jor­i­ty of our read­ers want her to stay there

It’s of­fi­cial: Janet Wood­cock is now the act­ing chief of the FDA.

And — ac­cord­ing to an End­points poll — most in­dus­try read­ers would like her to stay there, al­though a sig­nif­i­cant mi­nor­i­ty is strong­ly op­posed.

To re­cap: Joe Biden is re­port­ed­ly choos­ing be­tween Wood­cock and for­mer deputy FDA com­mis­sion­er Joshua Sharf­stein as his nom­i­nee for the per­ma­nent po­si­tion. Giv­en their re­spec­tive track records, the de­ci­sion is set to de­ter­mine the agency’s lodestar for years to come.

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