Gil Beyen, Erytech CEO

Ery­tech blasts ac­tivist in­vestor's at­tempt to block re­verse merg­er, Akka­di­an pro­pos­es new board in re­turn

Ery­tech is duk­ing it out with an ac­tivist in­vestor fierce­ly op­posed to its pro­posed merg­er with fel­low French biotech Phere­cy­des. Af­ter the com­pa­ny fired back at Akka­di­an Part­ners’ at­tempt to block the merg­er, call­ing out its “dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paign” and urg­ing oth­er share­hold­ers to sup­port the deal, Akka­di­an quick­ly re­act­ed with a pro­pos­al of five new board mem­bers who can take over if the merg­er falls through.

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