Photos by Kyle LaHucik

#ESC22: In re­turn to ‘big chron­ic dis­eases,’ Eu­rope’s car­dio con­fab show­cas­es mixed bag of da­ta drops

BARCELONA — For the first time dur­ing Covid-19, 30,000 car­di­ol­o­gists, bio­phar­ma lead­ers and tri­al in­ves­ti­ga­tors met in per­son for the Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety of Car­di­ol­o­gy Con­gress.

The 71st edi­tion in­clud­ed all the bells and whis­tles of a mas­sive sci­en­tif­ic con­fer­ence, al­beit with no phys­i­cal “posters” in sight — at­ten­dees could ac­cess the lat­est in­sights through dig­i­tal kiosks in the “Re­search Gate­way.” Sci­en­tists from more than 80 coun­tries pre­sent­ed ab­stracts, to­tal­ing 3,218, ESC said in a state­ment.

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