#ES­MO22: Da­ta on two key check­point fail­ures high­light Mer­ck­'s dom­i­nance in ad­ju­vant set­ting

PARIS — Mer­ck came in­to ES­MO con­fi­dent that it reigned supreme in the ad­ju­vant set­ting for re­nal cell car­ci­no­ma — the new fron­tier for check­point in­hibitors. It will leave feel­ing even bet­ter.

Just days af­ter spelling out the lat­est, im­proved haz­ard ra­tio for King Keytru­da — cut­ting risks for kid­ney can­cer pa­tients on dis­ease free sur­vival by 32% re­port­ed on ap­proval and jump­ing to 37% in the lat­est up­date in KEYNOTE-564 — we can see just how bad­ly Roche’s PD-L1 Tecen­triq per­formed in IM­mo­tion010, with an HR of 0.93.

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