#ES­MO22: Here are the dis­as­trous da­ta that crushed hopes for a $3.6B Bris­tol My­ers com­bo deal

PARIS — A lit­tle more than four years af­ter Bris­tol My­ers Squibb proud­ly un­veiled a $3.6 bil­lion, next-gen I/O al­liance with Nek­tar, in­clud­ing about half of that in cold, hard cash, in­ves­ti­ga­tors have turned up at ES­MO with the full set of dis­as­trous Phase III da­ta that helped ice the whole deal.

We learned back in March that Op­di­vo plus Nek­tar’s IL-2 ther­a­py be­m­peg flunked a Phase III melanoma study. Now we’re learn­ing that the com­bo ac­tu­al­ly per­formed sig­nif­i­cant­ly worse than Op­di­vo alone, while rais­ing added safe­ty threats for the pa­tients in the com­bo arm.

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