Roger Dansey, Seagen interim CEO

#ES­MO22: Seagen builds case for Pad­cev-Keytru­da com­bo in front-line blad­der can­cer

PARIS — In Ju­ly, sand­wiched in the back-and-forth ru­mors on a po­ten­tial Mer­ck buy­out, Seagen post­ed a topline look at its Pad­cev-Keytru­da com­bo as a first-line ther­a­py for ad­vanced blad­der can­cer.

While the read­out was pos­i­tive, with an over­all re­sponse rate of 64.5% in the dif­fi­cult-to-treat pa­tient group — those with ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic urothe­lial can­cer who were in­el­i­gi­ble for cis­platin chemother­a­py — Seagen and its part­ner Astel­las left many ques­tions unan­swered.

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