Howard Fillit, ADDF co-founder and CSO (ADDF website)

Es­tée Laud­er's fam­i­ly in­jects $200M in­to Alzheimer’s Drug Dis­cov­ery Foun­da­tion

Alzheimer’s Drug Dis­cov­ery Foun­da­tion, a phil­an­thropic ven­ture group that’s fund­ed hun­dreds of re­search projects for drugs, di­ag­nos­tics and bio­mark­ers, is get­ting a $200 mil­lion boost.

The do­na­tion comes from Leonard Laud­er and Ronald Laud­er, the sons of cos­met­ic maven Es­tée Laud­er who found­ed ADDF in her hon­or 25 years ago, and her four grand­chil­dren. Leonard Laud­er said they are con­fi­dent the gift will build on the “cur­rent mo­men­tum to cure Alzheimer’s dis­ease.”

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