John Carroll’s Fireside chat with Antoine Yver at Endpoints’ EuroBio’23.

#Eu­ro­Bio23: The down­turn, tak­ing risks and the ‘biotech mafia’

What’s in store for biotech and phar­ma in Eu­rope? If one thing was clear from day one of End­points News’ Eu­ro­Bio sum­mit, it ap­pears to be that the an­swer is in­ter­twined with the rest of the world.

The re­gion, af­ter all, is home to phar­ma gi­ants like As­traZeneca, GSK, Roche, No­vo Nordisk and No­var­tis, with ris­ing stars like Den­mark’s Gen­mab and the Nether­lands’ ar­genx in­creas­ing­ly tak­ing the spot­light on the glob­al stage.

Endpoints News

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