Eval­u­ate buys fore­cast­ing group to build out pre­dic­tion soft­ware and ser­vices

Eval­u­ate is boost­ing its fore­cast­ing prac­tice with the ac­qui­si­tion of J+D Fore­cast­ing and its phar­ma in­dus­try soft­ware so­lu­tions.

Eval­u­ate, known for its con­sen­sus da­ta and fore­cast­ing, has worked with J+D over the past few years on projects, sup­ply­ing da­ta for J+D soft­ware mod­el­ing, and found the two were a good fit, Eval­u­ate chief rev­enue of­fi­cer Chris Kel­ley said.

“We have the da­ta that cus­tomers sub­scribe to and al­so con­sult­ing strat­e­gy to help them with siz­ing a mar­ket, look­ing at en­ter­ing a new in­di­ca­tion, look­ing at buy­ing a com­pa­ny — and com­pet­i­tive in­tel­li­gence fore­cast­ing plays a big part in all of those de­ci­sions and ar­eas,” he said. “What we haven’t had, but our cus­tomers use ei­ther by cre­at­ing it on their own or buy­ing it from some­one else, is a work­flow tool to build up their own bot­tom-up in­ter­nal fore­cast­ing.”

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