Jeuveau rebrands to achieve a 'youthful' and 'energetic' look (Evolus, Inc.)

Evo­lus puts on 'y­outh­ful' new look for frown line treat­ment Jeu­veau

Evo­lus’ brand­ing for its neu­ro­tox­in frown line treat­ment Jeu­veau is get­ting a facelift.

The com­pa­ny un­veiled a new look for the prod­uct on Tues­day that’s “youth­ful” and “en­er­getic,” ac­cord­ing to CEO David Moataze­di. The goal? To con­vey that “this isn’t your moth­er’s Botox.”

The new brand fea­tures a “Jeu­veau, You See Me” tagline and shades of bright pink meant to evoke en­er­gy and “un­apolo­getic beau­ty that’s all in­clu­sive,” Moataze­di told End­points News on Tues­day. More than half of new-to-neu­ro­tox­in en­rollees in Evo­lus’ pa­tient loy­al­ty pro­gram for Jeu­veau are mil­len­ni­als or younger, he said. The cam­paign al­so marks the first time the com­pa­ny has used male mod­els.

Endpoints News

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