Ex­clu­sive: As­traZeneca signs off on a ‘car­bon neg­a­tive’ new biotech build­ing for one of its lat­est buy­outs

Break­through Prop­er­ties is back keep­ing the dirt fly­ing in biotech — this time break­ing new ground in Am­s­ter­dam.

The com­mer­cial re­al es­tate al­liance be­tween Tish­man Spey­er, which built Pfiz­er’s new world head­quar­ters in Man­hat­tan, and Bell­co Cap­i­tal, the busy in­vest­ment group Arie Bellde­grun set up with his wife Re­bec­ka 20 years ago, is now at work on a new, five-sto­ry, 55,000-square-foot build­ing to house the grow­ing team at Neo­gene, af­ter As­traZeneca bought out the com­pa­ny last fall in a $320 mil­lion deal.

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