Mark Kotter, founder

Ex­clu­sive: Stem cell sci­en­tist and founder launch­es new start­up with goal of ex­tend­ing healthspan by 20 years

A small start­up has raised $4 mil­lion to search for the source code of youth­ful­ness by trawl­ing through hu­man DNA gene-by-gene to find fac­tors that slow or speed the mol­e­c­u­lar mark­ers of ag­ing, End­points News has learned.

The com­pa­ny, named, was found­ed by Mark Kot­ter, a neu­ro­sur­geon and stem cell bi­ol­o­gist at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge. It’s a se­quel to his first start­up,, which has raised about $200 mil­lion to dis­cov­er the recipes for mak­ing any kind of hu­man cell in the lab and re­cent­ly struck a part­ner­ship with Bay­er’s stem cell sub­sidiary Blue­Rock Ther­a­peu­tics.

Endpoints News

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