Law­mak­ers con­sid­er lim­it­ing how long ex­ist­ing WuXi con­tracts can con­tin­ue

House mem­bers want drug­mak­ers to end their ex­ist­ing con­tracts with WuXi AppTec and oth­er Chi­nese firms by 2032, two sources told End­points News.

The Biose­cure Act, un­der its cur­rent Sen­ate it­er­a­tion, pro­pos­es to es­sen­tial­ly ban pop­u­lar Chi­nese con­trac­tors from ink­ing new US deals. Now, new­ly draft­ed lan­guage would fur­ther crack down on these com­pa­nies by sun­set­ting their con­tracts that are al­ready in progress. A 2032 dead­line, while still years away, would im­pact an in­dus­try that deals in long time­lines.

Endpoints News

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