Ex­elix­is throws in the tow­el on ear­ly-stage liv­er can­cer af­ter fi­nal read­out shows OS flop

The door to a la­bel ex­pan­sion for Ex­elix­is’ Cabome­tyx is now ful­ly shut.

Ex­elix­is kept a sliv­er of hope — how­ev­er slim — back in the sum­mer of last year, when it post­ed mixed re­sults from an in­ter­im read­out of a Phase III tri­al test­ing a com­bi­na­tion of Cabome­tyx and Roche’s Tecen­triq against Bay­er’s Nex­avar in pre­vi­ous­ly un­treat­ed liv­er can­cer. But the fi­nal analy­sis proved just as dis­ap­point­ing, as the com­bo was linked to “nei­ther im­prove­ment nor detri­ment in OS.”

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