Debbie Allen is raising retinal disease awareness, and the need to prioritize eye health, as the spokesperson for Regeneron's latest campaign.

Eylea drug­mak­er Re­gen­eron launch­es eye dis­ease aware­ness ef­fort with ac­tor and dancer Deb­bie Allen

Re­gen­eron wants old­er adults to start do­ing month­ly vi­sion checks at home, and it’s en­list­ing ac­tor and dancer Deb­bie Allen to help lead the way.

The “Gr8 Eye Move­ment” cam­paign en­cour­ages peo­ple to take time on the eighth day of every month to do a per­son­al vi­sion screen­ing. The cam­paign web­site of­fers a down­load­able Am­sler grid which is a test that can show field-of-vi­sion prob­lems, in­clud­ing mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion. Re­gen­eron is part­ner­ing with Pre­vent Blind­ness on the ef­fort, which se­lect­ed the 8th date be­cause the num­ber turned on its side looks like a pair of eyes, serv­ing as a vi­su­al cue re­minder.

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