Fab­ry dis­ease: FDA drafts drug de­vel­op­ment guid­ance

The FDA on Wednes­day is­sued draft guid­ance pro­vid­ing rec­om­men­da­tions to drug­mak­ers on clin­i­cal tri­al de­sign and el­i­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria for prod­ucts to treat Fab­ry dis­ease.

Fab­ry dis­ease is a rare in­her­it­ed dis­or­der caused by a de­fi­cien­cy of the lyso­so­mal en­zyme al­pha-galac­tosi­dase A (α-Gal A). Ac­cord­ing to the FDA, pa­tients with Fab­ry dis­ease ex­pe­ri­ence chron­ic gas­troin­testi­nal and neu­ro­path­ic symp­toms and pro­gres­sive or­gan dam­age that even­tu­al­ly caus­es chron­ic re­nal dis­ease, re­nal fail­ure, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and strokes.

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