Failed PhI­I­Is af­ter a re­jec­tion by the FDA spur Sanofi to dump its $1.7B deal with Lex­i­con on di­a­betes drug — shares crash

Sanofi’s near­ly 4-year-old quest to ride Lex­i­con’s SGLT1/2 di­a­betes drug so­tagliflozin to a last place fin­ish in the field end­ed with an abrupt ex­it Fri­day in a state­ment post­ed af­ter the bell. 

The phar­ma gi­ant not­ed un­com­fort­ably mixed da­ta on 3 Phase III tri­als, with a hit on a sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant re­duc­tion in HbA1c for Type 2 pa­tients on met­formin, com­pared to place­bo, fol­lowed by a fail for di­a­bet­ics af­ter 26 weeks in pa­tients with CKD4 and a mixed re­sult in a third study, with a fail­ure for a key sub­pop­u­la­tion with stage 3B CKD4.

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