VRB­PAC unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mends mono­va­lent, XBB lin­eage for next fal­l's Covid-19 vac­cine cam­paign

The FDA’s Vac­cines and Re­lat­ed Bi­o­log­i­cal Prod­ucts Ad­vi­so­ry Com­mit­tee met Thurs­day to as­sess whether the Covid-19 vac­cine needs to be up­dat­ed, with the com­mit­tee vot­ing 21-0 in fa­vor of a new mono­va­lent, XBB lin­eage for shots like­ly com­ing this fall.

Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech, Mod­er­na and No­vavax all pre­sent­ed on what they are like­ly to have ready in the com­ing months, with all three vac­cines po­ten­tial­ly ready as soon as lat­er this sum­mer. Pfiz­er, for in­stance, not­ed that they could have an XBB.1.5 mono­va­lent ver­sion avail­able as soon as the end of next month, or an XBB.1.16 mono­va­lent vac­cine in Au­gust.

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