FDA and EMA push ahead with joint ef­forts to kick-start pe­di­atric can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment plans

As part of an ef­fort to ease the process­es around pe­di­atric can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment, the FDA and Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cines Agency on Wednes­day un­veiled a new tem­plate to pro­vide com­pa­nies with an eas­i­er way to seek sci­en­tif­ic ad­vice from both agen­cies.

The FDA and EMA have more close­ly aligned their time­lines for the re­quired sub­mis­sions of plans for pe­di­atric de­vel­op­ment of new can­cer drugs, which has opened up an op­por­tu­ni­ty for spon­sors to seek pre­lim­i­nary sci­en­tif­ic ad­vice from both reg­u­la­tors si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly.

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