FDA ap­proves decade-old Pfiz­er drug for rare child­hood leukemia

A Pfiz­er leukemia drug that has been ap­proved in adults for more than a decade will soon be avail­able for kids 1 year and old­er.

Bo­sulif, al­so known as bo­su­tinib, was ap­proved by the FDA on Tues­day for chil­dren with a rare type of bone mar­row can­cer called chron­ic phase (CP) Philadel­phia chro­mo­some-pos­i­tive (Ph+) chron­ic myel­oge­nous leukemia (CML). Most pa­tients with CML have an ab­nor­mal chro­mo­some in their blood cells called the Philadel­phia chro­mo­some, named af­ter its dis­cov­ery by re­searchers in the Penn­syl­va­nia city.

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