FDA ap­proves first gener­ics for Take­da’s Vy­vanse as AD­HD drug short­ages per­sist

With key AD­HD med­ica­tions still in short­age, the FDA on Wednes­day ap­proved a gener­ic ver­sion of Take­da’s Vy­vanse, com­ing af­ter the name-brand drug’s patent ex­pired at the end of Au­gust.

Am­neal Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals re­ceived FDA ap­proval for its gener­ic lis­dex­am­fe­t­a­mine dime­sy­late cap­sules, which are ap­proved to treat AD­HD in pa­tients 6 and old­er as well as mod­er­ate-to-se­vere binge eat­ing dis­or­der in adults. The agency last week start­ed ap­prov­ing gener­ics of Vy­vanse af­ter sev­er­al patents ex­pired on Aug. 24, ac­cord­ing to the Or­ange Book.

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