Rich Adcock, ImmunityBio CEO

FDA ap­proves Im­mu­ni­ty­Bio's blad­der can­cer ther­a­py com­bo

Im­mu­ni­ty­Bio scored an FDA ap­proval for its once-re­ject­ed drug com­bo for blad­der can­cer, the biotech an­nounced Mon­day, send­ing its stock up near­ly 25% in pre­mar­ket trad­ing.

The agency ap­proved the drug Ank­ti­va, an IL-15 ag­o­nist, in com­bi­na­tion with Bacil­lus Cal­mette-Guérin to treat pa­tients with a sub­type of BCG-un­re­spon­sive non-mus­cle in­va­sive blad­der can­cer (NMIBC). Im­mu­ni­ty­Bio’s stock $IBRX was trad­ing over $6 be­fore the mar­ket opened.

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