Mike Raab, Ardelyx CEO

FDA ap­proves new in­di­ca­tion for Arde­lyx's tena­panor for serum phos­pho­rus con­trol

Near­ly a year af­ter suc­cess­ful­ly ap­peal­ing a com­plete re­sponse let­ter, Arde­lyx won FDA ap­proval on Tues­day for Xphozah (tena­panor) for the con­trol of serum phos­pho­rus in adults with chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease (CKD) on dial­y­sis who have had an in­ad­e­quate re­sponse or in­tol­er­ance to phos­phate binder ther­a­py.

The about-face from the FDA fol­lows an ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee vote of 9-4 last No­vem­ber in fa­vor of Xphozah in this in­di­ca­tion. The com­mit­tee said the twice-dai­ly tablet might have less ef­fi­ca­cy than the cur­rent stan­dard of care, but it should be made avail­able to a small sub­set of pa­tients with CKD.

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