Take­da scores FDA ap­proval for $400M col­orec­tal can­cer ther­a­py

Less than a year af­ter bet­ting $400 mil­lion cash on Hutchmed’s fruquin­tinib, Take­da has se­cured FDA ap­proval for the VEGF re­cep­tor ki­nase in­hibitor in pre­vi­ous­ly treat­ed metasta­t­ic col­orec­tal can­cer.

Fruza­qla, as the ther­a­py is called, is the first new “chemother­a­py-free treat­ment op­tion ap­proved for pa­tients in the US re­gard­less of bio­mark­er sta­tus in more than a decade,” Tere­sa Bitet­ti, pres­i­dent of the glob­al on­col­o­gy busi­ness unit at Take­da, said in a state­ment.

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