Bobak Azamian, Tarsus CEO

Tar­sus scores first FDA ap­proval for treat­ment of red, itchy eyes caused by mites

Tar­sus Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has se­cured the FDA’s first ap­proval to treat ir­ri­tat­ed eyes caused by tiny mites, a con­di­tion known as de­mod­ex ble­phar­i­tis.

The drug, to be mar­ket­ed as Xdemvy, is an eye drop for­mu­la­tion of the com­mon vet­eri­nary drug lotalin­er used to pre­vent tick and flea in­fes­ta­tions. Tar­sus’ ap­proval came a month be­fore its an­tic­i­pat­ed de­ci­sion date, and al­so marks a first for the small Cal­i­for­nia biotech launched in 2017 with a fo­cus on eye care.

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