FDA bless­es Mer­ck’s PhI­II ef­fort to top­ple a mega-block­buster — but there’s al­so a lit­tle biotech in this game

Mer­ck just got a leg up in its quest to leapfrog Pfiz­er’s best-sell­ing pneu­mo­coc­cal con­ju­gate vac­cine Pre­vnar 13. The FDA is pro­vid­ing its break­through drug des­ig­na­tion for the phar­ma gi­ant’s late-stage ef­forts on V114, adding it to the VIP list for drugs tapped for swift han­dling.

V114’s claim to fame is that it does Pfiz­er’s Pre­vnar 13 two bet­ter in terms of the pneu­mo­coc­cus strains cov­ered. 

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