Alex Azar, AP Images

FDA chief backs 2 new path­ways to spur drug im­por­ta­tion — but an­a­lysts shrug it all off

HHS chief Alex Azar has rolled out a plan to spur the im­por­ta­tion of cheap­er over­seas drugs — in­clud­ing Cana­da — and he has re­cruit­ed act­ing FDA chief Ned Sharp­less as an ad­vo­cate who will help make it hap­pen.

Azar an­nounced Wednes­day that the Trump ad­min­is­tra­tion is post­ing a no­tice of pro­posed rule­mak­ing that will au­tho­rize states, drug whole­salers and man­u­fac­tur­ers to launch pi­lot im­por­ta­tion projects out of Cana­da with the help of HHS.

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