FDA green­lights up­dat­ed Covid shots, mak­ing fall boost­er roll­out im­mi­nent

The FDA cleared up­dat­ed Covid-19 boost­er shots from Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech and Mod­er­na for the fall sea­son on Mon­day, paving the way for a roll­out in the com­ing weeks.

The CDC’s vac­cine ad­vi­sors are set to meet Tues­day, and they’re like­ly to rec­om­mend the up­dat­ed boost­ers be­fore CDC Di­rec­tor Mandy Co­hen is ex­pect­ed to make the fi­nal de­ci­sion on the roll­out.

“The pub­lic can be as­sured that these up­dat­ed vac­cines have met the agency’s rig­or­ous sci­en­tif­ic stan­dards for safe­ty, ef­fec­tive­ness, and man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­i­ty. We very much en­cour­age those who are el­i­gi­ble to con­sid­er get­ting vac­ci­nat­ed,” CBER Di­rec­tor Pe­ter Marks said in a state­ment.

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