FDA hands warn­ing let­ters to US, In­di­an man­u­fac­tur­ers over glyc­erin con­t­a­m­i­na­tion

An In­dia-based pro­duc­er of over-the-counter and home­o­path­ic prod­ucts for the US mar­ket has been giv­en a warn­ing let­ter and had all its im­ports halt­ed by the FDA over the pres­ence of the tox­ic ma­te­ri­als di­eth­yl­ene gly­col or eth­yl­ene gly­col.

Cham­pak­lal Ma­g­a­n­lal Homeo Phar­ma­cy Pri­vate Lim­it­ed, a man­u­fac­tur­er based in the city of Ahmed­abad, In­dia, was hand­ed the let­ter on Mon­day af­ter the agency re­viewed records that were sub­mit­ted late last year.

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