Robert Hariri, SmarterTogether via Youtube

FDA OKs a tri­al for a new Covid-19 ther­a­py af­ter an un­usu­al pub­lic­i­ty cam­paign touts its po­ten­tial — with help from Rudy Giu­liani

Af­ter tak­ing to the Wall Street Jour­nal to tout the po­ten­tial of tak­ing their lead nat­ur­al killer cell ther­a­py and leapfrog­ging from can­cer to Covid-19, while gain­ing an in­flu­en­tial ad­vo­cate in the White House, Celu­lar­i­ty CEO Robert Hariri now has the IND he was look­ing for from the FDA to start test­ing this ap­proach in pa­tients.

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