FDA pan­el votes yes on In­di­v­ior’s opi­oid ad­dic­tion drug

In­di­v­ior’s (LON: IN­DV) ex­per­i­men­tal drug to fight opi­oid ad­dic­tion may soon get the green light from reg­u­la­tors fol­low­ing a near-unan­i­mous vote for ap­proval by an ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee.

The drug, called RBP-6000, is an in­jectable ver­sion of buprenor­phine to treat opi­oid use dis­or­der. The med­i­cine is meant to be used as part of a treat­ment plan that in­cludes coun­sel­ing and psy­choso­cial sup­port.

Con­sid­er­ing the grow­ing opi­oid ad­di­tion cri­sis in the US, the FDA’s ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee vot­ed 18-1 that RBP-6000 could ben­e­fit ad­dicts. Reg­u­la­tors usu­al­ly fol­low the rec­om­men­da­tions of these com­mit­tees, and the FDA is due to de­cide on the drug by Nov. 30.

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