FDA still not ready to go back to ac­tu­al in-per­son meet­ings with bio­phar­ma spon­sors

Since the Covid pan­dem­ic be­gan in 2020, the FDA has shut­tered its White Oak, MD, doors to out­side com­pa­nies not on­ly seek­ing in­put on their de­vel­op­ing as­sets, but for ad­comm meet­ings too.

As of to­day, the FDA says noth­ing is chang­ing in the near term with re­spect to a re-open­ing, al­though the agency has up­dat­ed how it de­fines in-per­son meet­ings to in­clude Zoom meet­ings with cam­eras on.

“This means face-to-face meet­ings will on­ly be vir­tu­al at this time,” the agency said in a state­ment. “Once FDA re­turns to in-per­son meet­ings, spon­sors/ap­pli­cants will be no­ti­fied of that op­tion for a face-to-face meet­ing.”

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