FDA to mod­ern­ize drug sur­veil­lance in­ter­nal­ly with use of AI

BAL­TI­MORE — The FDA is mod­ern­iz­ing the way it sur­veils drugs af­ter they come to mar­ket, em­ploy­ing new us­es for AI with the help of hu­mans, to mine the more than two mil­lion re­ports of ad­verse events that the agency re­ceives each year.

The AI-based de­ci­sion sup­port tool that the agency is about to be­gin us­ing in­ter­nal­ly — known as the In­for­ma­tion Vi­su­al­iza­tion Plat­form — was de­vel­oped over the past decade, said Robert Ball, deputy di­rec­tor of FDA’s Of­fice of Sur­veil­lance and Epi­demi­ol­o­gy, to at­ten­dees at a DIA phar­ma­covig­i­lance con­fer­ence. The tool will first be used to de­ploy a dedu­pli­ca­tion al­go­rithm for the ad­verse event re­ports.

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