Fer­ring clos­es key re­search site, let­ting go 89 work­ers in San Diego

In May, the Fer­ring Re­search In­sti­tute in San Diego will let all 89 of its em­ploy­ees go.

Led by SVP of glob­al drug dis­cov­ery and ex­ter­nal in­no­va­tion Araz Raoof, the in­sti­tute works on small mol­e­cule and pep­tide drug dis­cov­ery, as well as ma­chine learn­ing and ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence work to find new drug tar­gets, ac­cord­ing to Fer­ring’s web­site.

The Swiss bio­phar­ma no­ti­fied its em­ploy­ees last week, per a Cal­i­for­nia WARN no­tice, which was first re­port­ed by Fierce Biotech. Fer­ring refers to the cen­ter as its “glob­al re­search arm and ideas in­cu­ba­tor.” The drug de­vel­op­er’s pipeline in­cludes work across re­pro­duc­tive med­i­cine and ma­ter­nal health, gas­troen­terol­o­gy, urol­o­gy and url-on­col­o­gy.

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