Enrique Conterno, FibroGen CEO (FibroGen)

Fi­bro­Gen, fresh off da­ta ma­nip­u­la­tion scan­dal, touts win in can­cer pa­tients with­out re­veal­ing da­ta

Fi­bro­Gen’s lead drug has cleared an­oth­er mid-stage study. Or at least the biotech claims it has.

Fi­bro­Gen, a 28-year-old com­pa­ny whose stock col­lapsed this past year af­ter it re­vealed da­ta it had sub­mit­ted to the FDA was ma­nip­u­lat­ed, said Wednes­day that rox­adu­s­tat, its pill for ane­mia, suc­cess­ful­ly treat­ed can­cer pa­tients who suf­fered ane­mia as a side ef­fect of chemother­a­py.

The San Fran­cis­co biotech, though, re­vealed few de­tails about the 92-pa­tient study, ex­cept that it was “pos­i­tive.” The study’s pri­ma­ry end­point was the max­i­mum change in pa­tients’ he­mo­glo­bin lev­els with­out them un­der­go­ing a red blood cell trans­fu­sion, but Fi­bro­Gen didn’t say how much pa­tients’ lev­els changed.

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