Fi­bro­Gen re­ports third PhI­II fail­ure in two months, this time in id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis

Fi­bro­Gen’s pam­revlum­ab failed an­oth­er Phase III study — the biotech’s third late-stage miss in two months — and its shares plum­met­ed 76% be­fore Mon­day’s open­ing bell.

The com­pa­ny said Mon­day that its an­ti­body pam­revlum­ab was not bet­ter than place­bo at a lung func­tion test ex­am­in­ing the amount of air peo­ple can ex­hale in a 356-per­son ran­dom­ized tri­al called ZEPHYRUS-1. The p-val­ue was 0.29 on the pri­ma­ry end­point, mea­sur­ing a change from base­line in forced vi­tal ca­pac­i­ty at week 48. It al­so wasn’t bet­ter at de­lay­ing dis­ease pro­gres­sion in the first of two Phase III tri­als to read out for peo­ple with id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis. Fi­bro­Gen said it was “gen­er­al­ly safe and well tol­er­at­ed.”

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