Flag­ship opens hub, plants roots in the UK as gov­ern­ment aims to boost life sci­ence ecosys­tem

Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing — the plat­form com­pa­ny be­hind the likes of Mod­er­na and Seres Ther­a­peu­tics — launched a UK hub on Tues­day as part of its broad­er com­mit­ment to in­vest­ing in the UK life sci­ence space.

The com­pa­ny marked the open­ing with an event in Lon­don co-host­ed by the UK Gov­ern­ment’s Of­fice for Life Sci­ences with a fo­cus on the top­ic of break­through in­no­va­tions. The event fol­lows just a week af­ter Flag­ship un­veiled its first transat­lantic biotech com­pa­ny, Quo­tient Ther­a­peu­tics, which has a so­mat­ic ge­nomics plat­form de­signed to dis­cov­er nov­el drug tar­gets across a range of ther­a­peu­tic ar­eas.

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