Michelle Werner, Alltrna CEO

Flag­ship start­up All­tr­na rais­es $109M for tR­NA ther­a­pies that re­store miss­ing pro­teins

All­tr­na, a start­up found­ed by Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing, has raised $109 mil­lion in Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing to de­vel­op a new class of ge­net­ic med­i­cines based on trans­fer RNA mol­e­cules. It’s the largest round of fund­ing yet for a com­pa­ny fo­cused on ush­er­ing in an emerg­ing class of ge­net­ic ther­a­pies that promis­es to over­ride dis­ease-caus­ing mu­ta­tions.

Al­though tR­NA is well-known to bi­ol­o­gists for its vi­tal role in trans­lat­ing the mes­sen­ger RNA code in­to pro­teins, the mol­e­cules have re­ceived lit­tle at­ten­tion from biotech com­pa­nies un­til rel­a­tive­ly re­cent­ly. All­tr­na, hC Bio­science and Tevard Bio­sciences are among star­tups tin­ker­ing with tR­NA.

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