Mike Nally, Generate:Biomedicines CEO

Flag­ship’s AI uni­corn Gen­er­ate rais­es $273M Se­ries C, as first drug in 17-pro­gram pipeline en­ters the clin­ic

Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing’s AI-fo­cused start­up Gen­er­ate:Bio­med­i­cines has raised an­oth­er megaround that will push mul­ti­ple drug pro­grams in­to the clin­ic.

The Somerville, MA-based biotech said Thurs­day it has closed a $273 mil­lion Se­ries C round bring­ing in new in­vestors, in­clud­ing Am­gen and Nvidia’s ven­ture cap­i­tal arm. The cash will sup­port a sprawl­ing pipeline of 17 pro­grams, with plans to add about 10 more pro­grams an­nu­al­ly. Gen­er­ate al­so said it has en­tered the clin­ic with its first drug can­di­date, a Covid-19 an­ti­body, and plans to ap­ply in the ear­ly fourth quar­ter to start hu­man test­ing for a sec­ond drug, an an­ti-TSLP an­ti­body for se­vere asth­ma.

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