David Berry (Flagship)

Flag­ship's next big tech­no­log­i­cal bet? The cloud

Ear­li­er this month, Flag­ship an­nounced their big bet on the soft­ware half the in­dus­try is talk­ing about, launch­ing the AI and ma­chine learn­ing start­up. Now, they and a cou­ple oth­er in­vestors are gam­bling $100 mil­lion on a soft­ware that much of the pub­lic gen­er­al­ly thinks of as a cool, IT af­ter­thought: cloud com­put­ing.

The idea, says founder and Flag­ship part­ner David Berry, is one of scale: The sheer mag­ni­tude of bi­o­log­i­cal da­ta that you can store on cloud tech­nol­o­gy is un­prece­dent­ed. And that size, when lever­aged prop­er­ly, can al­low you to ask ques­tions and form in­sights that are sim­i­lar­ly un­prece­dent­ed.

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