RNAi trail­blaz­er Al­ny­lam posts promis­ing top-line PhI­II snap­shot for givosir­an, but safe­ty is­sues drag shares down

Al­ny­lam’s sec­ond late-stage RNAi drug just cleared one of the last big hur­dles on its way to a pos­si­ble — maybe even prob­a­ble — ap­proval at the FDA and EMA for acute he­pat­ic por­phyr­ia.

The RNAi trail­blaz­er $AL­NY of­fered up a promis­ing as­sess­ment of its Phase III piv­otal for givosir­an — hit­ting the pri­ma­ry on re­duc­ing the an­nu­al­ized rate of com­pos­ite por­phyr­ia at­tacks com­pared to place­bo with a p val­ue packed with ze­roes: 0.00000001.

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