Fol­low­ing Vray­lar suc­cess, Ab­b­Vie ex­tends part­ner­ship with Gedeon Richter to neu­ropsy­chi­atric dis­eases

Ab­b­Vie is see­ing dol­lar signs as it looks to ex­pand the la­bel on Vray­lar, its Gedeon Richter-part­nered an­tipsy­chot­ic block­buster. And now, it wants to know what else the Hun­gar­i­an phar­ma com­pa­ny has up its sleeve.

Af­ter see­ing some pre­clin­i­cal re­sults from Richter, Ab­b­Vie has ex­tend­ed its col­lab­o­ra­tion with the com­pa­ny to in­clude new dopamine re­cep­tor mod­u­la­tors for neu­ropsy­chi­atric dis­eases. The deal, un­veiled Fri­day, will in­clude “sev­er­al new chem­i­cal en­ti­ties,” though the part­ners seem to be keep­ing the fi­nan­cial terms un­der wraps.

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