For ac­count­ing pur­pos­es, Bio­gen says its $223M in­ven­to­ry of Aduhelm is ba­si­cal­ly worth­less

The bat­tle over whether Bio­gen’s Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm ac­tu­al­ly helps pa­tients may nev­er end, but in a re­cent SEC fil­ing, Bio­gen, at least for ac­count­ing pur­pos­es, now says its $230 mil­lion stash of Aduhelm should be con­sid­ered worth­less.

In ad­di­tion to scrap­ping the en­tire com­mer­cial in­fra­struc­ture around sell­ing Aduhelm, and lay­ing off more than 1,000 in the process, the big biotech said in an SEC fil­ing yes­ter­day evening, “As of June 30, 2022, our to­tal ADUHELM in­ven­to­ry was de min­imis. As of De­cem­ber 31, 2021, we had ap­prox­i­mate­ly $223.0 mil­lion of ADUHELM in­ven­to­ry.”

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