Eric Schmidt

For­mer Al­lo­gene CFO Er­ic Schmidt talks about his new role at Can­tor and the fu­ture of cell ther­a­pies

Can­tor Fitzger­ald an­nounced on Tues­day that Er­ic Schmidt and Josh Schim­mer are join­ing its biotech re­search group.

Schim­mer is a for­mer se­nior man­ag­ing di­rec­tor of Ever­core ISI’s biotech re­search team, while Schmidt was most re­cent­ly the chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer at cell ther­a­py com­pa­ny Al­lo­gene. Pri­or to Al­lo­gene, Schmidt spent 20 years as an an­a­lyst at Cowen.

End­points chat­ted briefly over Zoom with Schmidt about Can­tor’s biotech eq­ui­ty re­search and the fu­ture of cell and gene ther­a­py.

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