Freenome rais­es $254M for ear­ly can­cer de­tec­tion tests

Freenome has raised an ad­di­tion­al $254 mil­lion in pri­vate fund­ing, led by Roche, as the com­pa­ny nears piv­otal re­sults for its blood-based can­cer test.

San Fran­cis­co-based Freenome is among the liq­uid biop­sy com­pa­nies that seek to pick up on can­cer be­fore pa­tients show symp­toms. While com­peti­tor Grail aims to de­tect dozens of can­cers, Freenome has tak­en a nar­row­er ap­proach, with an ear­ly fo­cus on col­orec­tal can­cer, the sec­ond-lead­ing cause of can­cer deaths.

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